Ending of 2017

 .. .. 
Time flies .. 
i've slightly forgotten about the blog๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“ .
and also in other hand .wanna note some books into this blog.but i feel tirin to type myanmar language..haha..also i really dont read @2017. .my eyesight problems too ..(ok.yes.thats excuse.. ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ)

... ...Sums up. i m not a fan of 2017.. 2016 is a bit better for me.. haha..

 as being a cancerian' who likes to stay in comfort zone.  jumping here and there in chicken year make me restless and lost focus .its mentally tiring than physical ..

learning everyday.every month every year.n took note  that i lacked a lot back then .and till now i still lacking.. 
may b thats juz human ' life.๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค“ 

world is changing. very fast.yah.very fast.
you have to catch up wif all .as u cannot b left behind.. 
this year phrase i like most is "media create society" .normally people r all caught up with their daily life .n assume no need to know whats goin on .unless it affects ur life.. its true for like 50%.? 
imo' i think u shouldnt ignore those some news .as thats reflect our society .  as one day or soon after you would need to become as one of them. in business-wise or whatever reasons we need to aware all these .?. i guessed so ( at least on 2017 ๐Ÿ˜€ )

ohh..prince harry annonce his engagemnet today .   his mom our lady. Diana' would love to see his younger son married to american actress!.. thats why i noted .world change.opinions change ..  in swift swift time.. 
in 2017.south east asia ' becoming more relavant to some western countries .

 world leaders are also like .do one thing.n shout another thing. world is becomin more complicated. ..we just need to calm down n chill a bit.haha

ahh.i travel a lot in this year. 
making sweet and different memeories each and everytime.

i just need to try new things & change according if neccessary .thats my motto which set myself on 2017.i do Unplanned things lots on 2017 . guess i m more used to suprises and so.. haha.

ahh.. there s a rumor westlife may do Reunion".. nicky shut down rumors even less than like 2'3 hours.. omg..pls nicky .let us believe n excited  for like a day  ..haha.. .. 
.hope its becoming true on 2018.i lowkey expected it happens..pretty please. 

it has been difficult year for inspirits . i started at 2012(?) n being trash at 2017rdy..haa.. so much emo going on when think.so i tried not to think.or expect . hope we get better  year in 2018. 
hmm..it was like hit on as they all r apporaching 30s..there will be a time for pause or full stop ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข. 
ohh.. smhtin personal 'i met wif one fansite manager @KMS(sg)  .n literally she s like Dont wanna talk to u vibe...
 ahh girl' which era u r livin for .. East asians r looking down on south east asians?seriously๐Ÿค’๐Ÿค’?. hope there r less less ppl like her out there. . .

 n in 2017. i thought back .and think i need to cut down some people as u dont need toxic ppl just becoz u r bored. i  remind myself _ some ppl dont wanna stay in ur life .so dont try to think for urself like they test u or oh coz they r in down time .. u r emotionally attach to them 
 like decades doesnt mean you need to keep them till death  .. yah.cancerians  famous trait is Difficult to let go.. ok .lets get out from that sterotype which i made by myself...ahh 

ok.wrapped. up the tiring 2017 with medium tempo..not low or high .. 

be kind to one another . as ellen says. .. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Š

peace & love & hopes  
